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What is a Stroke?
The brain is an active unit. Its activity can be seen through electrical activity such as is seen with an EEG, and blood flow studies. When there is brain damage, the brain slows down or stops at the site of the injury.

Cause of Strokes
Strokes are generally caused by blockage of arteries and other blood vessels in the brain (Kaufman, 1990); this blockage damages the brain by preventing the brain from receiving oxygen and nutrients. (Note: A physician or neurologist is the person to diagnose a stroke.)

Brainwaves are measured with an EEG. Like the waves seen on lakes and oceans, brainwaves come in different varieties. On the ocean, waves can be slow swells that occur every few seconds, or fast as is seen in “choppiness”. In the brain, there are slow waves which occur around 1-7 waves per second, and faster waves. Slow waves in the healthy brain are associated with sleep, daydreaming, creativity, inward focus. Fast waves are associated with focus, verbal reasoning and thinking.

When the brain is injured there is an increase in slow wave activity. The purpose of Neurofeedback is to decrease this slow wave activity and increase fast wave activity.

Neurofeedback is done as follows. Electrodes are attached to the head and they detect the person’s brainwaves. The feedback regarding the brain wave amplitudes is shown on a computer screen and auditory feedback is also given. The client uses this feedback to decrease the slow wave activity and increase fast wave activity in the area where the stroke occurred.

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For Appointments Contact
(773) 807-0936 |
Email Dr. Kathy Abbott, Psy. D.
3317 W. 95th St., Ste. 205, Evergreen Park, IL 60805

See the following websites for more information
www.isnr.org | www.eegspectrum.com
www.helpforadd.com | www.EMDR.com
Neurofeedback sounds complicated, but it's as simple as learning to ride a bike with training wheels.