Health Costs of Anger
High blood pressure is associated with difficulty
with anger issues.
People who keep their anger in tend
to have high blood pressure.
People who express anger when angry tend to
have high blood pressure.
But people who cool down and then express themselves
tend to not have high blood pressure.
Heart disease is associated with both expressed
and unexpressed anger.
Interpersonal Costs of Anger
Poor or unsatisfying support system
Damaged relationships
Problems at school or on the job
Excessive drinking
Financial problems either due to job loss or
poor decision-making
Physical Causes of Anger
Head Injury
Drugs and alcohol
The typical neurofeedback treatment for anger is to
regulate brainwaves in the parts of the brain associated
with controlling emotions or to increase a relaxation
response and insight as in the protocol typically used
in addiction.
Note: It is recommended that people with anger problems
find an anger group run by someone who specializes in
anger management.