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About Fibromyalgia
Found in 1-4% of people
Pain is chronic and widespread; pain threshold is lowered and generalized in much of the body
May co-occur with chronic fatigue
Poor short term memory and/or attention
Causes may include physical trauma, emotional stress, endocrine dysfunction, some infections
Treatment of Fibromyalgia by Neurofeedback
A recent study by Dr. Horst Mueller included 30 people, mainly female, around age 50. The patients were given 50 hours of treatment which included neurofeedback and massage. Patients were also given psychotherapy.

At the end of treatment, patients said the amount of pain in their bodies had moved from 35% at the start of treatment down to 10%. They reported that at intake they had 1 good day a week; at the end of treatment they had 4 1/2 good days. They reported that their sleep improved from 2 nights of good sleep to 5 nights of good sleep per week at the end of treatment.

At follow-up 8 months after treatment ended, patients reported doing somewhat better than at the end of treatment.

Why does Neurofeedback help with Fibromyalgia?
Dr. Mueller posits that there are emotional changes that occur with fibromyalgia. These changes may block the healing that should occur with physical therapy. Neurofeedback helps decrease the psychological symptoms that were stopping the process of healing. This may be why physical therapy worked better in conjunction with neurofeedback in this study.

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For Appointments Contact
(773) 807-0936 |
Email Dr. Kathy Abbott, Psy. D.
3317 W. 95th St., Ste. 205, Evergreen Park, IL 60805

See the following websites for more information
www.isnr.org | www.eegspectrum.com
www.helpforadd.com | www.EMDR.com
Neurofeedback sounds complicated, but it's as simple as learning to ride a bike with training wheels.