What is HEG?
There are several conditions in which blood flow is decreased
in certain parts of the brain. Hemoencephalography (HEG)
is a form of neurofeedback that allows a client to increase
blood flow, and therefore functioning, to those parts
of the brain targeted for treatment.
How is HEG training done?
A headband is placed around the clients forehead.
A reading is taken of blood flow. This is not an exact
reading such as one obtains with a SPECT scan but just
a baseline for a session. The client is given visual feedback
that coincides with an increase (or decrease) in blood
Who may benefit from HEG?
People with AD/HD tend to have low blood flow in the regions
of the brain associated with paying attention. An increase
in blood flow to this area is associated with an increase
in attentiveness.
Children with autism and related disorders tend to have
lower blood flow in regions of the brain (mainly the right
side) associated with emotional perception, empathy, social
awareness, speech and attention. An increase in blood
flow in these areas may increase the ability of the child
to relate to others and may also increase attentiveness
in inattentive children.
HEG has been used for several years to increase blood
flow in migraine headache sufferers. The severity and
frequency of the headaches decline and some people no
longer have migraines following HEG training.
Other Uses
Other uses for HEG include elevating mood, decreasing
anxiety, and ameliorating some symptoms associated with
of traumatic brain injury. |
Appointments Contact
(773) 807-0936 | Email Dr. Kathy Abbott, Psy. D.
3317 W. 95th St., Ste. 205, Evergreen Park, IL 60805
the following websites for more information
| www.eegspectrum.com
| www.EMDR.com
sounds complicated, but it's as simple as learning to ride a bike with training